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Personal Training Hope Island

 Things You Need To

Know About What

Hope Island

Personal Training

Can Do for You!



Here four ways that you can get unstuck from that plateau, and start seeing results again.


Change Your Rep/Weight Scheme

Think the only way to progress is to add more weight? In some cases, this isn’t the best solution. You might be at a sticking point where you just can’t lift any more weight, but yet the weight you currently lift isn’t challenging enough. What then?

It’s time to adjust your rep range. If you were doing sets of 8 reps, try doing sets of 10 or 12 reps. You may even need to decrease the weight slightly as you do this, but that’s fine. The increased rep range is going to provide a new challenge for the body and something it needs to adapt to.


Utilize Drop Sets

Drop sets are another great way to get through a strength plateau. Can’t get to that next level? Try this for two to three weeks and then see if you can progress. To perform drop sets, start with your normal standard set using the regular weight you lift. Then, immediately after the first set is done, drop the weight by 5 or 10 pounds. Perform a second set.

Once that set is done, drop the weight one more time and then perform as many reps as you can on that third and final set.

This should bring you to the point of full exhaustion, upon which you can rest before repeating a second time through. Just avoid doing any more than two drop sets per session, as they are highly taxing on the body.


Try A New Piece Of Equipment

Sometimes what your workout really needs is a new form of training. If you always lift using dumbbells, for instance, try using a barbell next time you’re in the gym. While it’s a small change, often it’s enough to see results. Switching over to weight machines may also be an option if that’s what you prefer. As long as you’re still stressing the muscle and providing an overloading stimulus, you’ll see results.


Take One Week Off

Finally, the last thing that may be needed to help you get past a plateau is to take one week off entirely. If you are on the verge of overtraining—a state where the body is not quite recovering as well as it needs to between each workout session—this will completely halt your progress as well.

Take one week off and don’t be surprised if, when you come back, you feel stronger than ever. 


These fast, simple ways should help you get past any progress plateau. Use one of these tricks the next time you’re feeling stuck and frustrated, and not seeing results.


weight and strength training hope island
Gold Coast Personal Trainer



Are you contemplating hiring a personal trainer in Hope Isalnd but not sure if it will be worth it?

Yes, many people consider the services of personal trainers as exorbitant or unnecessary. But in reality, the service they offer cannot be measured in terms of money simply because of the impact they have on your health, fitness and overall approach towards life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that personal trainers can really transform your life for better and expose you to ways of healthy living which you were simply unaware of before. 


Hope Island Personal Training offer Unique Fitness Modules tailored for your Specific Needs

Anybody can appoint a Broadbeach personal trainer and fix up a schedule for working out at home, office or any other place of convenience. Before beginning the sessions, your trainer will first ask you a lot of questions to understand exactly what you need. This is because personal trainers offer customized services for each and every of their individual clients. With personal training, there is no generic schedule that fits one and all. So at the very onset, you have an indication of getting something special; something that is unique for your own needs and goals. 


Hope Island Personal Training offers you Peace of Mind

The basic purpose of a personal trainer in Hope Island is to have somebody competent and trustworthy enough who can guide you through your fitness journey. So you will be surprised to know that no trainer will just impose a common fitness routine on and expect you to follow it blindly. Rather, he will set a specific goal for you and chalk out a plan to make it achievable and enjoyable. He will pick up the best exercises that are most suitable for your present fitness and future goal. He knows the effects and suitability of different workouts and how they affect the human body. With your trainer by your side, you can work out in complete confidence without fearing injury or sickness. 


Hope Island Personal Training Teach's you how to Exercise Safely

Another huge difference that a personal trainer can make to your fitness routine is by showing you how to exercise safely and correctly. Physical exercise can become dangerous anytime if you don’t know how to follow the steps correctly. Only your personal trainer will take the effort to do the exercise himself and then watch over carefully as you repeat his every move. He will keep at it tenaciously till you have mastered the moves yourself. 


Hope Island Personal Training shows you How to Modify your Diet

As a health conscious person, you obviously want to follow a healthy and nutritious diet. But do you have the knowledge or experience to plan your own diet successfully? No (if you are not a dietician yourself) and this is where your Broadbeach personal trainer can make another huge difference. He will meticulously note down everything about your diet, food patterns and preferences, meal timing, cooking methods and so on. He will then work out a diet chart that you can follow easily and enjoy too. 


Hope Island Personal Training helps you Gain Knowledge

Perhaps the most important thing that your personal trainer can do for you is impart knowledge. Healthy living is something you want to enjoy throughout your life and for that you must know the correct strategies and procedures. Your trainer will teach you how to combine regular exercise, healthy living, rest and sleep and a disciplined lifestyle so that you stay healthy and fit for life.

Look no further for your personal trainer on Gold Coast. Health, Fitness

and personal training studio with solutions that guarantee a great result

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