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Personal Training Hope Island






Things You Need To Know About What Hope Island Personal Training Can Do for You!

How to double your fitness level in a week can be challenging and some times over wheming and this is where trainer of all ages and different culture have come together to use their knowledge and help you achieve this in the shortest amount of time.


10 minutes of interval triaining can literallly change your life and training.


The science has showen us that no matter how old you are you can double your fitness level in a matter of weeks by simply implementing these three steps into your training program. Interval training effects major organs such as the heart and lungs while still working the muscles. You will be training your body to utalize more oxtgen in an efficient way, while traiing the heart to pump blood around the body fast and safer while under stress load. Which means that as soon as the body finds itself in a stress state, such as exercise or just everyday stress you are affectivly teaching your body how to manage that in the safest and most effecive way possible without stress the organs out and creating high cortisol levels. Which is for teaching our bodies how to manage stress not just physically, but mentally as well in our everyday lives.


These Are just a few of the techniques used by The Legendary Life to help you Look, Feel & Be Legendary.


Step 1:

Have a structured program that will enable you to follow it daily not weekly and do this at the end of each session. If you are someone that has a good level of fitness  or not this will work no matter what training you are currently doing and find a way to fit it into your schedule consistanly.


Step 2:

Step 2 is all about applying the 2:1 ratio formula of effort vs recovery, so that you can drastically improveg your fitness. Lets say that you can run at 70% of your max heart rate for 2 min that means that your receovery will be 1 min at 55% of your max heart rate. In laymans terms when you go for a run around and you want to rate the amount of effort you are putting in you would rate yourself out of a scale of 1-10, 10 being your pushing your limit and probably cant go any faster. Now obviously we like you to use a bit more of an accurate measuring system such as heart rate monitors, but if you dont have access to one this is a good enough indication of how hard you are working out. If you can't hold a conversation comfortibly then you are working out in the target zone. You want to repeat until you have completed the ten minute time frame.

The next time you do your interval training at the end of your workout session you want your recovery time shortened until you are able to cut the recover time down in half.


Step 3:

Now that you have effectivley cut your time down in half this is where you start to increase your effort no in time but in effort. So for example a runner starts to run faster during his 2:1 ratio and increases their heart rate to 80% of their max effort, but still keeping to the 2:1 formula. Lets say they can only run for 1 min at 80%, that means there recovery will be 30 seconds. So to figure out yours you would run faster and then recover for half that time. We recommmend that when when you first start doing your interval training and you are increasing your heart rate that you start off with shorter time frames and increasing that with each session, and bettering your time. This not only shows your improvements, but it keeps you moving forward without taking 2 steps backwards. You can take this a step futher by incease the effort or shorting the rest period.


Now you have the formula, now apply it to your training and watch as your body starts to increase its fitness level in leaps and bounds.


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Are you contemplating hiring a personal trainer in Hope Isalnd but not sure if it will be worth it?

Yes, many people consider the services of personal trainers as exorbitant or unnecessary. But in reality, the service they offer cannot be measured in terms of money simply because of the impact they have on your health, fitness and overall approach towards life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that personal trainers can really transform your life for better and expose you to ways of healthy living which you were simply unaware of before. 


Hope Island Personal Training offer Unique Fitness Modules tailored for your Specific Needs

Anybody can appoint a Broadbeach personal trainer and fix up a schedule for working out at home, office or any other place of convenience. Before beginning the sessions, your trainer will first ask you a lot of questions to understand exactly what you need. This is because personal trainers offer customized services for each and every of their individual clients. With personal training, there is no generic schedule that fits one and all. So at the very onset, you have an indication of getting something special; something that is unique for your own needs and goals. 


Hope Island Personal Training offers you Peace of Mind

The basic purpose of a personal trainer in Hope Island is to have somebody competent and trustworthy enough who can guide you through your fitness journey. So you will be surprised to know that no trainer will just impose a common fitness routine on and expect you to follow it blindly. Rather, he will set a specific goal for you and chalk out a plan to make it achievable and enjoyable. He will pick up the best exercises that are most suitable for your present fitness and future goal. He knows the effects and suitability of different workouts and how they affect the human body. With your trainer by your side, you can work out in complete confidence without fearing injury or sickness. 


Hope Island Personal Training Teach's you how to Exercise Safely

Another huge difference that a personal trainer can make to your fitness routine is by showing you how to exercise safely and correctly. Physical exercise can become dangerous anytime if you don’t know how to follow the steps correctly. Only your personal trainer will take the effort to do the exercise himself and then watch over carefully as you repeat his every move. He will keep at it tenaciously till you have mastered the moves yourself. 


Hope Island Personal Training shows you How to Modify your Diet

As a health conscious person, you obviously want to follow a healthy and nutritious diet. But do you have the knowledge or experience to plan your own diet successfully? No (if you are not a dietician yourself) and this is where your Broadbeach personal trainer can make another huge difference. He will meticulously note down everything about your diet, food patterns and preferences, meal timing, cooking methods and so on. He will then work out a diet chart that you can follow easily and enjoy too. 


Hope Island Personal Training helps you Gain Knowledge

Perhaps the most important thing that your personal trainer can do for you is impart knowledge. Healthy living is something you want to enjoy throughout your life and for that you must know the correct strategies and procedures. Your trainer will teach you how to combine regular exercise, healthy living, rest and sleep and a disciplined lifestyle so that you stay healthy and fit for life.

Gold Coast Personal Trainer
Personal Training Broadbeach

10 minutes of

interval fitness training

can change your life

Look no further for your personal trainer on Gold Coast. Health, Fitness

and personal training studio with solutions that guarantee a great result

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